Sunday, August 24, 2008
A Parent's Love
When Cooper was born I really thought that I loved him - and I did - but now that he has been in our lives for 4 months now, I love him so much more intensely than I did the day he was born. The love that I have for him grows so much each day as I see him grow and develop. My friend Jessica once described the love that she had for her daughter as fierce and I didn't totally understand what she meant until I had a child of my own, but now I get it - I really get it.
Also since this love has grown, my fears that something will happen to Cooper has also grown. I know this fear is not of God so I have been saturating myself with scripture lately. Meditating upon the love of God this morning, I can't imagine what it must have felt like for our Heavenly Father to see his only son on that cross. Scripture says that God actually had to turn away. How painful to be able to prevent your child from pain and suffering but know that they have to endure it. I just can't imagine.
Furthermore, how much my father loves me! How beautiful is his love for me that he would let his son - his only son - to die for me. I can't imagine loving someone more than Cooper, much less let him give his life for someone who may shun him, turn away from him, even curse his name. Knowing how much I love my own son only exemplifies to me how much my heavenly father loves me. I've always known this but now I get it - I really get it.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
New Adventures
And eating rice cereal for the first time. He made the most horrible faces every time the spoon came close. Cooper is not sure what eating with a spoon is all about just yet.
Notice the furred brow in the first two and the obvious unhappy cries in the second two.
For Nana and Papaw
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
4 month check-up
New stats:
Weight: 14 lbs. 13.4 oz. - 50th percentile
Head circumference: 15 3/4 in. - 10th percentile
Length: 25 1/2 in. - 75th percentile
Lia (yes, the same Lia from the Olympic party - we're lucky enough to have her as a friend and a pediatrician) said that he's definitely built like Sean. Okay, he's really like a mini Sean anyway. As you can see from previous picture posts, he looks like him too!
On a more serious note. I am asking for prayers for Cooper. We haven't blogged about this before because it is intensely personal to us. I still don't want to go into a lot of details but Cooper was born with a slight birth defect. It is something that the body can correct itself but if not corrected by 6 months, can lead to further complications. So far, it has not corrected itself and Lia referred us to a specialist today. If it doesn't correct itself, Cooper will have to have surgery to fix it in the next couple of months. Lia said that it is a fairly simple surgery but the fact that my baby will be taken from me, put to sleep, and cut upon absolutely breaks my heart.
If you are reading this blog, please offer up a prayer on behalf of Cooper. As our pastor said yesterday, "There is no limit to what God can do." He alone can heal our precious baby boy and I've been on my knees every night with that request.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
We Won the Gold!
To top off the great weekend, my parents came to visit. I miss them so much and it was great to have them spend the weekend with us. Time absolutely flies when they are here and now that we have Cooper, time with them is so much more fun. They even kept him last night and let Sean and I have a date night of dinner and a movie.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Chatting with Cooper
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
One of those days...
First, he woke up with his first ever bad hair day, which is hard to do with less than an inch of hair on your head. It was all sticking out in the back and sticking up on top. Me? I thought it was cute. I had to capture it on camera (Sorry for the weird lighting on the pics).
Then, all of the outfits that fit last week suddenly don't fit anymore. He has gotten SO LONG! We're talkin' midriffs and short shorts. Those sorts of things just don't work for a boy! I didn't mind so much as it resulted in a shopping trip for me. Shopping for kids clothes is SO FUN!
Last but not least, this happened:
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Lazy 5 Ranch
I'll start at the beginning. A couple of years ago, I heard about this book on our local Christian radio station, WBFJ:

I know we're not kids, and we weren't parents yet - but we're all about exploring fun places in North Carolina (there are books like these for lots of other states, by the way). We try out things in this book every so often. We love little day tripping adventures. I had been itching to try out the Lazy 5 Ranch in Mooresville. I heard that it was a very cool park. They have all kinds of exotic animals that you can see up close and feed.
Well people, this is NOT your average petting zoo! You enter the ranch, buy your bucket(s) of feed and begin driving around on the trail. We opted to take our own car (with air conditioning) instead of the wagon ride. As soon as you hit the trail, you encounter all kinds of exotic animals. Never in my life have I been so close to a zebra, a buffalo, or any of these other exotic animals. The animals are obviously well rehearsed in their job to eat the feed and try all kinds of tricks to get more. They put their heads right IN your car searching for the food!
For some reason the Emu's scared the daylights out of me. This was absolutely the first animal that we encountered and when it sauntered up to our car and stuck it's head in the window to munch on the bucket of feed that I had in my lap, I started screaming, "Don't peck me! Don't peck me!" Sean was laughing hysterically by this point. The tide turned soon though when the next animal that we encountered (a gazelle maybe!?) grabbed his entire plastic bucket with its teeth trying to get the whole bucket of food for itself. It was my turn to laugh as I watched Sean wrestle his bucket away.
We absolutely had a delightful time! They also have a petting zoo and Noah's Ark playground which will be tons more fun when Cooper gets older. He slept through the entire trail but woke up in time to look around the petting zoo. The pictures that you see of animals behind cages are in the petting zoo - the animals on the actual ranch seriously have free reign of the land that they are on. They mix and mingle together in and out of the traffic. It is definitely worth seeing!