I haven't done a Cooper update lately, so I thought I would give you a glimpse at what our
baby big boy is doing now.
We have been thoroughly enjoying summertime. Cooper is now 15 months old and he continues to be more fun. He LOVES the pool and any sort of water. We've spent lots of time at Tanglewood Pool. It is zero entry and has a huge area for babies and toddlers with sprayers and such. Cooper is very brave, maybe a little too brave in the pool but he loves every minute spent there.

We had some people over for Independence Day and the kiddos had fun in the sprinklers. Again, Cooper loved the water and went right up to the sprinklers and started playing. He did not shy away at all like some kids do. I'm telling you - this kid LOVES the water...

...and spaghetti for that matter!
He can stack several blocks
Has added some more words to his vocabulary such as "Cheese" and "Shoes."
Can wave bye-bye pretty consistently.
Is using a fork and spoon but has difficulty actually getting the food onto either but can take the food on the fork/spoon up to his mouth with ease.
LOVES to ride in his push car. He calls it a "vroom."
And last but not least- he has learned to WALK! He had taken a step a couple of times but last week (at the pool, go figure!) he took off with 26 steps. Now, he is absolutely on the go. So proud!