Last weekend was an awesome weekend. Busy - but awesome, nonetheless.
Sean and I are trying to take at least one weekend each year for just the two of us to go away. Last year we spent a night away during our
anniversary. We didn't go far last year - maybe an hour away. This year we felt a little more brave and made the trek all the way to our Nation's Capital. Now, it's only about 5 hours from our house but the closer it got for us to leave, the more anxious I got about leaving Cooper. Granted, he was staying in the very capable hands of my parents. He even had a field trip and a "Grandma's Day" planned to the Nature Center with both mine and Sean's mom. I knew everything would be ok - and it was. He actually cried when we came to pick him up. Let me tell you that made me feel like Mother of the Year!
I digress. The trip was wonderful. Sean really planned the entire thing and we were exhausted but content at the end. It truly was a trip after my husband's own heart. We
stamped literally for three straight days. We saw lots of neat places. I think my personal highlights were George Washington's birthplace and Gettysburg. We had already done the mall area and inside DC so we spent time in about a 1.5 hour radius around the city's center.
Another highlight was getting to spend some time with our friends
Brett and Merritt. They were in our Bible Study here in Winston-Salem and we have not seen them for about 3 years. It was so much fun getting to catch up with them, see their little corner of Arlington, and just hang out at their place. They are an awesome couple and we realized just how much we miss seeing them in our Bible Study each week. They are also people who just make you feel right at home at their place - such gracious and welcoming hosts. It was a wonderful way to end busy days to relax and visit with them!