I keep thinking that I love the stage that Cooper is in but another one comes along and I think I love it so much more than the last. They say it only gets more and more fun from here! Enjoy the pictures!
This happened today. He can't move yet but he's just chillin' on his hands and knees. Must baby proof soon!!
Yes, Yes, our little snaggletooth. Cooper is obviously missing one of his front teeth and has been for a few weeks. Thankfully, it popped through yesterday so he won't be snaggletoothed for much longer! He has two bottom teeth and 3 other top teeth.
I propped Cooper on the bathroom counter so I could cut his toenails (looking at himself in the mirror keeps him occupied so he doesn't keep trying to grab the clippers) and he kept scooting closer and closer trying to grab the faucet. Eventually, he scooted himself in the sink. Don't ask me why I had the camera in the bathroom with us while I was cutting his toenails but you never know when a photo opportunity is going to occur, I guess!
Prior to getting on his hands and knees like in the picture above, any time Cooper tried to get his bottom off of the floor he would scoot backwards. This resulted in getting stuck in some awkward places, such as under his crib.
Last Saturday we got to attend Mia Clair's 2nd birthday party. It was at a Fun Zone and they had these cool airplanes that Cooper loved. He kept leaning over the edge as we went up and down and screaming "Ahhhh." It was adorable and SO much fun! We rode them several times.
He also enjoyed this duck game. He was a champ at mashing the button while Sean held him up.
Riding this car was scary at first...