A few disclaimers:
-These are REALLY cheesy home videos - the kind that only parents and grandparents can watch for an extended period of time. I mean really, watching a kid drink a sippy cup is only a big thing if you have spent an excruciating amount of time practicing, and practicing, and practicing....
-Yes, Cooper is still in his PJ's and he's eating his afternoon snack which comes AFTER his afternoon nap. I determined with the temps in the really frigid numbers that fleece all over was probably the warmest thing that he could be wearing so I decided that he would indeed remain in his PJ's all day. Which would have been ok if he had not promptly gotten banana ALL over these PJ's right after these videos were taken.
-Yes, the TV is on and he may turn around a few times to look at the flashing lights. This was taken on Friday, and there was like 24 hour coverage of the "Miracle on the Hudson" on CNN and I was addicted. I try not to watch too much TV during the day but you are likely to find us rocking out to some great mixed CD's of Praise and Worship though (thanks to Matt & Erin!). Anyway, I digress - the TV is on, Cooper is fascinated, and I am a human interest junkie (Sean has officially diagnosed me).
-Yes, mom, I did thoroughly wash Cooper's hand after Parker licked all over it trying to get a stray Cheerio or Yogurt Bite that Cooper was eating. Cooper loves the interaction, Parker loves the food - it's a win-win situation to get them to love each other. But, yes mom, I did wash his hand before he put it back into his mouth.
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