So last week, we rented an oceanfront condo in Cherry Grove, NC and went to the beach. I love my husband very much and adore his sense of adventure but after 5 years of marriage and like 3 days total of beach time since we had been married, I was more than eager for some sun and fun. My parents took us to the beach every year as I was growing up - that was our yearly vacation, so I had been dearly missing the waves and sand and sunshine.
We decided to go to the same beach that my parents took us to, north of Myrtle Beach, because I was familiar with it - and Sean had never been. Unfortunately, my mom was in the middle of summer semester closeout at work so she and dad couldn't get away with us.
We did have a ton of fun. Cooper was intrigued by the ocean. Not necessarily in love with it but didn't hate it either. He just had a very curious look on his face each time we brought him down to the water and stuck his feet in. He did not love the sand. It tended to stick to his sunscreened body and he couldn't get it off - in fact, it seemed to keep accumulating on him. He did LOVE the pool though. Splashing and floating around was right up his alley.
Days were spent by the ocean/pool and nights were spent seeing local attractions such as the Dixie Stampede (Cooper loved the music and lights), Barefoot Landing, Outlet Shopping, Broadway at the Beach, and mini golf. Sean won mini golf even with Cooper strapped to his chest in the baby Bjorn. I thought I would really have a chance with his handicap, but no dice. We played at Hawaiian Rumble golf which is a neat course and the mini golf PGA tour is held there - seriously. Once Sean heard that, he refused to play at any other course - just to say we'd done it.
We also went north for a day to Oak Island and Bald Head Island to see some lighthouses and get some stamps (part of my barganing chip for Sean to go to the beach). We rented a golf cart on Bald Head Island and drove around the quaint little island for a couple of hours before returning to the ferry to go back to our condo.
We arrived home on Saturday and Monday Sean started his first day at his new job. This week was filled with lots of paperwork (getting a name badge, ordering white coat, getting a parking sticker, etc.) and shadowing of other doctors/nurse practitioners but he seems to like what he is doing and learning so far.
Cooper has had an interesting week. We were at the doctor 3 times in a span of two days. He had developed a rash on his stomach on Saturday. It was not getting worse but it was not getting better either so we went to see Lia, the pediatrician, on Tuesday morning. She suspected that he had a virus and that was the body's response to the virus. She said that he was probably not contagious anymore. Tuesday night when changing his diaper, I found blood in his diaper. I immediately called Lia again and she wanted me to bring it in for a culture on Wednesday morning. It is likely nothing more than a small cut on his bottom since it has not happened again but we will receive the official results on Monday.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday afternoon Cooper had his appointment with the specialist. Sean was able to come to the appointment. Upon explaining the situation to his new boss on his SECOND day of work, they responded, "family first" and gave him the ok to come to the appointment. What a blessing! At the appointment, the doctor gave Sean and I news that we did not want to hear - Cooper is scheduled for surgery on November 3. I have to remember that my God is in control of this situation no matter how nervous I am about this whole thing. I continue saturating myself with scripture and praying earnestly. I hope that you will continue to lift Cooper up as well.
"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life." Philippians 4:6-7 The Message