Friday, October 31, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
What's an October Friday...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Weekend in Review
Sunday: After church, in the afternoon, those who could of our bible study met at the corn maze then went to dinner. A great time with great friends.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Fall Fun
Fall is great for several reasons but to us it is mainly great for that perfect outdoorsy weather. Sean's hospital stint slowed us down so we missed a couple of festivals and such but now we're getting back into the swing of things.
We headed straight from the alzheimer's walk to Owen's 1st Birthday party! It had warmed up quite a bit since the walk and made for a beautiful day for a birthday party. Cooper loved swinging for the first time and even liked the party hat! All photos courtesy of Alison since I still didn't have my camera.

The following Monday held the Young Life Banquet. A great time with friends for a Great Ministry. But we did get rained out of our plan to go to the Dixie Classic Fair on that Wednesday. We were hoping to go on the Wednesday as it is sponsored by our local Christian Radio station, WBFJ. You can get in for 5 cans of food and you get to see a Christian concert. This year was Mandisa and Matthew West. Like I said though, it was raining so we just stayed in - maybe next year.
Last but certainly not least from the past two weeks, is Addison's birthday. Our little niece (and Cooper's only first cousin) turned two. The party came to us as we celebrated at the Lazy 5 Ranch and then back here at our house. The ranch was fun for all . We took my dad's truck where Mom and Dad sat up front and held Cooper (and later Addison) and Keisha, Spunky, Sean, Addison, and I sat in the back to feed the animals. This time we actually got to feed the giraffes and had several wrestling matches with the animals for our buckets of feed- lots of laughter and good family time on the trail and the accompaning petting zoo and playground. If you haven't been - it's definitely worth it!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
6 month check-up
Weight: 17 lbs. 1 oz. - 50th percentile
Head circumference: 16 1/4 inches - between the 3rd and 10th percentile
Length: 26 1/2 in. - 50th percentile
All is well with him.
We had Addison's second birthday party this weekend and I will update later about that with pictures. Also, please keep my brother-in-law, "Spunky" in your prayers tomorrow as he has shoulder surgery.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Look what I can do!
Roll over....
"Talk," sit up, and play with blocks. The blocks are his favorite. When given several toys, he always goes for the blocks. They usually end up dumped out - you can see the lid in the background that he has already taken off.
And say "mama"? He's been doing this since he was about 3 months old - usually when he is upset. Not sure that he knows that it means me, but it gets me running every time.
Still trying to get a good laugh on camera. We tried several times today and he kept getting more and more upset, so I just gave up. I will keep trying because it is absolutely contagious - it will make your whole day. Have a good Wednesday!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Happy Birthday Nanny!
Happy 88th Birthday, Nanny....and wishes for many, many more!