We certainly had a full weekend this weekend but it was so good! It was both productive and fun.
Saturday: Literally two days after moving into our house five years ago the Time Warner Cable people proceeded to dig up our back yard to install cable lines for the neighborhood - not bothering to reseed. There's something to be said about your house being built on the rock (children's Sunday school song playing through my head) but it's quite another to have a back yard of rock. Now, I've already blogged about our lack of Green Thumbs so our backyard has been struggling to grow. We decided this year to give it our best shot to get some grass growing back there this year, consulted our neighbor who is a landscaper, got some dirt to fill in the uneven places, aerated, seeded, limed, fertilized, and spread and staked this straw that is bound so the dog can't dig it up. It took all day - mostly Sean doing the work because Cooper was quite the demanding little fellow.
Our neighbor and resident handyman, Chuck, letting Cooper take a ride.
Sunday: After church, in the afternoon, those who could of our bible study met at the corn maze then went to dinner. A great time with great friends.
Monday: Visit to Pumpkin Patch - too many cute pictures to upload individually
Oh so cute... don't you LOVE those pumpkin patches, corn mazes, crazy fall anythings?! So glad everyone is feeling better so you enjoy every bit of it. The ones of Cooper next to the pumpkins are especially precious and the ones of the whole family, of course!
Good luck with reseeding the lawn. That yardwork isn't easy. Last weekend we replanted a bunch of stuff and hauled off brush and the like... despite the fact that I carry around 12 to almost 30 pounds every day, I still hard sore arms after! Now, grow grass, grow!!
Yay for Bible study friends! What a fun afternoon! I kept getting the emails, wishing we could head over there with you.
Is there anyone in the study who doesn't have kids yet or isn't expecting?
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