Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wonderfully Made
I had not planned on what to say when I looked into the face of our child for the first time. I had thought about it, of course, over the course of the 9ish months that I was carrying him but had not really come up with anything profound. We didn't know if it was a boy or girl so imagining the face, and the love I felt when I held him for the first time was a little foreign.
When I looked into his sweet little face for the first time, with tears brimming in my eyes, Sean by my side, the first - and only - words that came to mind were, "Cooper you are fearfully and wonderfully made." I said those words from the very pit of my soul in a half sob, half whisper into the face that I had memorized in an instant. I had not planned those words but those are the words that we have repeated countless times in the months since. Those words have become his verse. Those words were given to me by God to be spoken over him, to affirm him, and to show him that he is loved and adored not only by his parents but by his heavenly father as well.
I was reading my bible today and again read over that verse - Psalm 139:14. The rest of the verse states, "Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Cooper was made in God's image, pieced together the way that God wanted. God's works ARE wonderful. Not just sometimes, for some people. Your works are wonderful. Period. Whether we understand them or not.
Cooper, please remember that You ARE fearfully and wonderfully made and that God's works in you ARE wonderful - all the time - I know THAT full well.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Merry Christmas!
The Great-Grandchildren. This was the best picture that we got.
Front: Nanny, Cooper, Addison
Back: Allie, Lydia, Mahlah, Hannah, Emma with Lane, Sherah
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Have Yourself A Very Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 20, 2008
Giving on a Budget
No matter how you slice it though, going down to one income this year has made us tighten our budget even more. Other than our tithe and missionaries that we support, we have very little left in the "giving" section. I couldn't resist an extra "holiday gifting" for our local food pantry and found an easy way to do this without straining the budget. I thought I would share so that you might be encouraged about your own giving.
A few months ago when our local food pantry had only peanut butter and green beans on their shelves, I heard on the news of this way to help. They suggested picking up only one extra item each time you make a trip to the grocery store and begin your own collection box at home. When it is full, you take it to your local crisis control, food pantry, or Christian ministry.
I thought that was a GREAT idea, compeltely do-able, and an easy way to give to others without breaking the bank. So....over the last few months, I have picked up an extra item at the grocery store each time I went. I tried to make the item $1 or less. So I would grab a box of spaghetti, a can of soup, a box of jello... It was almost fun searching for just the right item to include in our box, imagining the family that would use it.
And yesterday, Cooper and I went to our local grocery store and placed our box in the bigger box that they have set out for the Holidays (I wish I had a picture but didn't think about sharing this on the blog until later). Our plan was to actually take it to the food pantry but the food collected from the grocery store goes to the same place and was a more convenient drop off location. See how easy that was!?
I would love to hear from you about other ways that you and your family have "given on a budget." Merry Christmas!
Deut. 15:7-8 "If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be."
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Two Graduations and One Baptism Later...
Then Aaron (Sean's brother) graduated from PA school on Saturday. Cooper and I stayed here to let him rest from the long day on Friday while the rest of the family went down to Fayetteville to celebrate with Aaron (and Rachel who also graduated with her Master's in Education but did not attend her ceremony to go to Aaron's). Cooper and I did meet the rest of the family for a Japanese dinner though when they got back to Winston-Salem for the night.
Since all the family was already in town, we decided a while back that this weekend would be the perfect weekend for Cooper to be baptized. He was a star and looked adorable in his tie, if I do say so myself. He totally wowed the crowd at church and "awwww" was said collectively a number of times. He's such a charmer (must have gotten that from his daddy, wink, wink)!
L to R: Papaw Johnny, Nana Kathy, Addison, Sean, Cooper, Christal, Aunt Keisha, Uncle Spunky
L to R: Grandma Lillian, Uncle Aaron, Aunt Rachel, Sean, Cooper, Christal, GrandPat, Auntie E
What a blessed weekend we've had!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Floor Time, Bath Time, and Family Fun Time
Cousinly Love
L to R: My sister(Keisha), Cooper, my mom, and Addison having a little fun at Nana and Papaw's house!
Two bottom teeth are now absolutely visable, although not so much in this picture. Maybe if you look really closely....
Hanging out in Cooper's Crib (he, he) with Grandma (AKA: Sean's mom)
Warm and cozy after bath time...
Dad and Cooper always have special time playing during bath time
Posing with Papaw.... see what I mean about the eyes...
Cooper's great-grandmother, Nanny Ruby. He is the ninth great-grandchild that she has.
Gettin' some Nana lovin'
Gotta love playin' at Nana's