A few weeks ago, we visited the All-A-Flutter butterfly farm with the Trips for Tots group at church. One of the highlights was actually holding the butterflies. The farm staff gave each of us a sugar water soaked piece of cotton and let us go into the greenhouse area to visit with the butterflies. I think everyone there got to hold a butterfly that wanted to and it was so neat. Cooper wasn't that interested in the butterflies - he was more into the trees, rocks, and running around in general but he had fun anyway.
Did you know that a boy Monarch has two black spots on the bottom of its wings? Apparently, this one is a girl that I am holding.

The Praying Mantis is an enemy of butterflies. Cooper is demonstrating with the Praying Mantis hat.
Again, could care less about the butterflies - more interested in the rocks and trees.
Taking a look at the butterfly life cycle demonstration toys - Does this child's mother not know he's supposed to be listening to the presentation?? Ahem.
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