Monday, June 30, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
5 Wonderful Years
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful husband. A man who was my best friend long before he became the love of my life, and who I can still say IS my best friend. A man who emphatically said to me last night when sleep deprivation and too much to do got the best of both of us, "I am committed to you forever," and I knew that he meant it. A man who still gives me butterflies.
Together, we made up this "Top 10 list" of things we have learned in the past 5 years.
10. Quality time is not just important - it's essential!
9. It's not about winning, it's about being a team.
8. We may have learned a lot about each other, but there is more to learn everyday.
7. Never leave the house without saying, "I Love You."
6. Even though we didn't think it was possible, we love each other more now than the day we said, "I do."
5. Growing indoor or outdoor plants is best left to professionals.
4. Communication stops most fights before they start.
3. Saying "I'm sorry," and forgiveness shows the love of Jesus to your spouse.
2. Find something that you enjoy doing together - and do it often!
1. Never go to bed angry.
Fontana, NC - June 21-22, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Rattles and Bumbo
Now, remind me again how to get the rattle into my mouth...
Nevermind...I'll just shake it!
Not so sure about this Bumbo Chair...
Wow...this is pretty fun after all!
Happy Birthday to us!
We celebrated with a joint party, as we do every year. Our parents take turns hosting. This year we had a cook-out at my parents house. I was slack and didn't take any pictures, so if anyone who attended can e-mail me any pictures that you took, I would like to post some.
Here is a picture of Sean opening his presents at our house on Thursday, which was his actual birthday. His list read that he wanted more plaid shorts, polos, and a lighthouse stamp passport so that's what these bags contain. See my earlier posts about stamping for more information about the lighthouse passport. I also got him some pants. Gap was having a GREAT sale! He had to work on his birthday and had rough day, poor guy, so he was quite exhausted when this was taken. We had a quiet dinner in - I fixed ribs.
No pics of my day today. Sean took me shopping on Friday so I could pick out my own gifts. I gifted myself with clothes as well. Gotta love the new post-pregnancy body...everything in my closet fits differently. We also had Olive Garden for dinner yum.... and a thunderstorm just began... just a few of my favorite things. What a great birthday!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Father's Day and such...
Also, Happy Father's Day to Papaw Johnny, GrandPat, and Granddaddy Giese! We miss you on this day Papaw Lawrence but know that you are looking down on us from Heaven.
And we took another stamping trip a few weeks ago. We took a ride a couple hours north into Virginia one Sunday after church on the Blue Ridge Parkway. What an amazing scenery God created! We thoroughly enjoyed the warm sunny weather and just spending time together as a family. Here are Sean and Cooper at Mabry Mill.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Green Thumb
To illustrate my point, my loving, adoring, husband says to me at dinner tonight, "Honey, if we had to farm to eat...we would die."
So true! Every year - EVERY YEAR - we have bought hanging baskets for our front porch. Every year - EVERY YEAR - they have died within a month. It looks like we would either:
a. Learn how to take care of them or,
b. Just give up and not buy anymore
My dad can grow anything. So can my mother-in-law. She gave me an aloe plant a few years ago. It too is also dead. Do you know how hard it is to kill an aloe plant?
Saturday, June 7, 2008
The Lawrenson's
It's the story of a couple who had been married for a few years when they found out that they were expecting a baby. This is incredible because the girl has Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and was scheduled to begin physical therapy for a double lung transplant the VERY NEXT DAY. She had to go off the donor list when she found out she was pregnant, and against the advice of every doctor, they decided to keep the baby. There was only a slim chance that both she and the baby would survive and in all likelihood, neither of them would. This couple has an incredible strength and faith in God and they were determined not to abort this child, no matter if it cost Tricia her life. Fast forward to January. Tricia is 24 weeks pregnant and her body can barely support her own breathing, much less the breathing of her baby. She has to have a ventilator put in and during the course of the surgery, an emergency C-Section has to be performed. Their precious baby girl is born at 24 weeks gestation and is clinging to life. Tricia is also clinging to life from an emergency C-Section in addition to her other CF complications. She gets placed back on the donor list and hope against all hope, she receives a new set of lungs. Fast forward to this past week. Tricia, Nathan, and Baby Gwyneth all get to come home! What an amazing God, Amazing miracle, and amazing story. They can tell it so much better than me. Follow their journey for yourself -
Thursday, June 5, 2008
2 month visit
Head circumference - 14 3/4 in. - 10th percentile
Weight - 11 lbs. 4 oz - 50th percentile
Length - 22 1/4 inches - 25th percentile