Saturday, December 19, 2009
Snow Day!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Evolution of a Christmas Card Photo
On a side note, I remember when I was 14 in 1993 and we had what we refer to as "the blizzard." We tried playing in the over 2 feet of snow and our sleds just sank down in the snow with no hope of moving. It was also exhausting trying to walk with snow up to your knees. Imagine really high, knees up to your chin, stepping. An adventure for sure.
Anyway, the actual point of this post is to show the evolution of our Christmas card photo this year. It is sort of comical at how many crazy shots we got before we finally got 1 good shot.

Monday, December 7, 2009
Picking out our tree
All bundled up for the Christmas parade
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Homeland Cremery
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween - Best Game Ever!
Such great fun...
Pumpkin Patch 2009
We came home and set out carving a happy face into our pumpkin. Cooper wasn't so sure about the pumpkin "guts." He didn't really want to have anything to do with scooping it out but was happy putting back into the pumpkin what we took out with the big metal spoon. He was also cute offering the pumpkin's mouth a bite of his chicken nugget after we finished carving. Pictures of our dinosaur and his smiling pumpkin coming tonight...
And just for a comparison...
Pumpkin Patch 2008
From Pumpkin Patch |
And Pumpkin Patch 2009
From Pumpkin Patch 2009 |
My, how time flies!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Spider Treats
I got my inspiration from here but made lots of modifications. You may use the Betty Crocker Peanut Butter Cookie mix but I opted to make my own...
Mix first 5 ingredients. Blend flour in slowly. Heat oven to 375 degrees. Shape dough into 1" balls and place 3" apart on a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake 10-12 min. until set but not hard. Makes approximately 2 dozen cookies.
After the cookies came out of the oven, I immediately placed a miniature reeces cup upside down in the center of each cookie. I let them cool for a while until the reeces cup hardened. After cooling, I attached m&m's as eyes to the front of each reeces cup with chocolate squeeze tube icing (and drew a little chocolate dot as an eyeball on the front of each m&m with the icing). The recipe actually calls for black twizzler pull and peels as legs but I accidently got regular twizzlers, so I just drew legs on with the same chocolate tube icing. After they finish cooling, Voila - Simple Spider Cookies! Giese taste tester approved! :)
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Bedtime Prayers
Cooper: Mommy
Sean: Thank you for Daddy
Cooper: Jesus!
Sean: Close enough
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
And the 18th Month Brings...
Head Circumference: 18 inches (6th percentile)
Height: 32 1/2 inches (57th percentile)
Weight: 21 lbs. 1.6 oz (less than 3rd percentile)
Cooper's doing great but needs to bulk up a little bit. It goes without saying that he is built like Sean but even though he eats like a champ, we were advised to try to feed him more fatty foods (put butter or cheese on his veggies, more peanut butter, etc.)to try to help him bulk up. We will go back in 3 months to have a weight check.
He is meeting all of his milestones and is right on target. He is definitely saying between 10-20 words which is the milestone for his age(we were told to expect a vocabulary explosion in the next few months - can't wait!)He repeats or tries to repeat what we are saying now, often, and can understand a ton more than he can say. He takes simple directions well (let's go put your shoes on, sit down please, etc.) What he is saying now:
Parker (Ca-Ca)
Addison (Addie)
How are you (howyou - one word)
Socks (cocks)
Auntie E (Ah-E)
Ready (Eh-E)
Tree (Tee)
Three (also Tee - we just recognize the context in which he is using it)
All Done
Cooper can make animal noises of an elephant, snake, fish, dog, cow, lion and duck. He can correctly point to his eyes, nose, ears, mouth, hair, belly button, and toes - when he is in a cooperative mood :). He can also eat with a spoon/fork. Hooray for milestones!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Butterfly Farm
The Praying Mantis is an enemy of butterflies. Cooper is demonstrating with the Praying Mantis hat.
Again, could care less about the butterflies - more interested in the rocks and trees.
Taking a look at the butterfly life cycle demonstration toys - Does this child's mother not know he's supposed to be listening to the presentation?? Ahem.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Newest Giese

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Natural Science Museum
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I've been having a big 'ole pity party for myself recently. Last semester I was semi-employed by supervising student teachers for a local university. It was total of like 20 hours for the entire semester but it was just enough. Just enough to get me out of the house and doing something that I love, just enough hours that I could mostly work around the weekdays that Sean had off, just enough spending money, and way too perfect flexibility. Needless to say, it was the perfect set-up for a "retired" teacher and stay-at-home mom. However... the state is cutting education funding and they could not hire me back this semester. I have been disappointed and just really bummed about this whole situation recently. I've been mopey and crabby at home and haven't been much fun for my husband or my son. I can't explain it but I really loved this little outlet. I feel very called to be home with Cooper and not teach full time during this season of my life but I've felt restless at home lately, wishing there was more than vacuuming, and building block castles, and going grocery shopping, and weeding...
Back to the weeding. In our garden we have a random petunia growing that we did not plant. It's very out of place but pretty, so we've just left it to grow there among the lilies. There was a stubborn and very long weed growing near the petunia today. When I pulled the weed, out popped part of the roots of the petunia as well. Immediately some of the little blossoms closed up and looked like it was just immediately dying.
Well, this petunia got me to thinking about myself. I have been like this petunia recently. I have been all wrapped up in the "weeds" of my thoughts. MY discontentment, MY restlessness. I watched that petunia today and realized something. I realized that when the weeds are pulled out, it takes a little bit of dying of one's self before you can fully grasp the good soil with your whole being and flourish unhindered by the weeds that were wrapping themselves around your roots - your very source of life. Just like the petunia, I have had a little dying of myself today. I've called to the surface all of those selfish, mopey, crabby thoughts and threw them out of the garden. I've also had the opportunity to really grasp the Good Soil with my thoughts about being home for this season. Not that I've got it all figured out and that those stubborn weeds won't grow back but today, my garden has been cleared of those pesky weeds.
Now, if I could just figure out how to "weed" my thoughts without having to actually weed the garden...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Tool Shower
Friday, August 14, 2009
Just 'cause it makes me smile...
I opened one of my cabinets the other day and this is what I found. Seems like magnetic letters are just as fun in a metal pan as they are in the refrigerator :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Evolution of Exploration
I let Cooper loose with the water hose the other day and I think I had just as much fun watching him as he did playing in it. He watched it flow - on the ground - on his body - up in the air - making bubbles when he put it in the pool. He tasted it, stuck his finger in the end of it, shook it back and forth and watched it zig zag in front of him. I didn't give him any guidance at all and he did all of these things on his own. I love watching him discover and explore...
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
15 months!
We have been thoroughly enjoying summertime. Cooper is now 15 months old and he continues to be more fun. He LOVES the pool and any sort of water. We've spent lots of time at Tanglewood Pool. It is zero entry and has a huge area for babies and toddlers with sprayers and such. Cooper is very brave, maybe a little too brave in the pool but he loves every minute spent there.
We had some people over for Independence Day and the kiddos had fun in the sprinklers. Again, Cooper loved the water and went right up to the sprinklers and started playing. He did not shy away at all like some kids do. I'm telling you - this kid LOVES the water...
...and spaghetti for that matter!
- Has added some more words to his vocabulary such as "Cheese" and "Shoes."
- Can wave bye-bye pretty consistently.
- Is using a fork and spoon but has difficulty actually getting the food onto either but can take the food on the fork/spoon up to his mouth with ease.
- LOVES to ride in his push car. He calls it a "vroom."
And last but not least- he has learned to WALK! He had taken a step a couple of times but last week (at the pool, go figure!) he took off with 26 steps. Now, he is absolutely on the go. So proud!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Standing on his own two feet!
After a brief hiatus with the push toy after a hard fall, Cooper is now on board with loving it again and pushing it everywhere. He also figured out how to do this (see video below) today! Wow! He made great strides today toward his first steps and we are SO excited!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Six Years!?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
These pictures only give a glimpse, but Cooper is so blessed to have a "Dadddeeee" like you. Thank you for loving our Heavenly Father and for loving us the way you do. You are an amazing father, Happy Father's Day!
And to these other amazing Fathers....We Love You so much! Happy Father's Day!!